Welcome to OnlineEduReview: Education Right To The Point

Welcome to OnlineEduReview: Education Right To The Point

Author: Juan Pablo Rodriguez DV

Published On on Nov 9, 2022

Updated on Nov 9, 2022

Welcome to OnlineEduReview!!! OnlineEduReview is the ultimate guide/resource for getting the most economical, efficient, and practical remote/online education and training.

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OnlineEduReview: Education Right to the Point

The jprdv.com content ecosystem is an expanding constellation of enhanced blogs that aim to become the ultimate references and guides for the remote, distributed, and online world. All this by also providing an engaging and entertaining experience along the way.

jprdv Content Ecosystem

Now it is our turn to introduce you to OnlineEduReview: Education right to the point. Welcome, everybody!! OnlineEduReview is the ultimate guide/resource for getting the most economical, efficient, and practical remote/online education and training.

OnlineEduReview: Education Right to the Point

One way we achieve this is by reviewing courses, tools, and platforms, based on a comprehensive yet intuitive scoring system and criteria, as well as providing alternatives to the most accessible (free, if possible) courses, MOOC (massively online open course), presentations, tutorials, books, how-tos, and educational resources/tools/platforms.

Additionally, we provide information/articles about:

Paid/free courses, services, and tools.
  • Paid/free courses, services, and tools.
Traditional/alternative online degrees.
  • Traditional/alternative online degrees.
Advanced study/referencing techniques and methods.
  • Advanced studying/referencing techniques and methods
Information about Online Learning in General
  • Information about Online Learning in General

If I had written this welcome entry before the pandemic, this would have been about how online education will revolutionize the world and how online education is slowly becoming mainstream. By then, it would have been harder for many to believe online education would become mainstream.

The big experiment: shift to work and learning online due to the pandemic of 2020

But recently, because of the COVID pandemic, the world was forced to move most work and education online, making it mainstream, at least for some time. Both experiments included an abrupt attempt to transition from the traditional way we operate in the office, or in the schools, to a remote environment.

The results in both? Mixed, as expected, as a forced experiment without a clear transition path, adaptation periods, and fully understanding the medium's potential is not meant to be entirely successful. Nevertheless, I believe that we all agree that both working and learning online are established and here to stay, which has accelerated the race to improve them.

Democracy in Education

Nevertheless, online education advancements have not only been about translating the traditional way of learning to a remote environment. The advances were about taking advantage of remote, non-live experiences and revolutionizing education through the facilities that the medium offers. This has been done in many ways: first, by the rise of platforms that democratize education and make it available to the masses at reasonable prices or free.

Use of Animations, Gamification, and enhanced Student Involvement Techniques.

It also has been done by taking engagement and entertainment factors to new levels through animations, gamification, and innovative ways of getting those learning involved.

As a result, some experiences provided beat any traditional education experience and can alone take you to the next level, as anybody can become an educator and teach their craft.
In addition, some platforms allow you to get hands-on experience as you learn.

The Wild West in Education: Lack of Standardized Curricula

But having the "wild west" in online education means that you will find a little of everything and great (and not so great) things in unexpected places. Because of the lack of standardized curricula (for better or worse), knowing what you will get from a course, tool or service is challenging.

Moreover, linear paths to increase a particular skill could be challenging to follow, as not many online educators go all the other way in teaching a subject. When learning from a different source, you might find yourself having to see repeated topics.

What OnlineEduReview Brings to the Table

So, in OnlineEduReview, our objective is to rate the best resources online based on criteria that we consider applying to the new type of education so that you can choose the best, economical, and most efficient education online. And we will do this by relevant metrics to the online, remote, and digital world. As well as to keep you up to date on new ways of getting information and education that are on the rise, with advances in AI, augmented reality, improved devices, and Internet speeds.

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See you around.

My best wishes. Always

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